An Author for All Seasons with Pamela Holko: 11am, Saturday, 29th November 2014 - [Also State Election Day for the State of Victoria!]
Mentone Public Library Incorporated 2009 Address: Rear, 36 Florence Street, Mentone. VIC 3194 OPENING HOURS: Monday, Wednesday: 1-4pm Friday-Saturday: 10am-12pm ENQUIRIES: Mentone Public Library…Where Print Becomes Personable Mentone Public Library Proudly Presents: "An Author for All Seasons - November Edition" with: Pamela Holko Time and Date : 11am, Saturday, 29th November 2014 Presenting her Acclaimed Book: "Wednesdays at Gam's" "The highly anticipated Wednesdays at Gam's, a book that explores how to provide daycare for young grandchildren where a a nurturing and close relationship can be built,and where fun, laughter, learning and love are shared. Written in an easy to read format, this book is a...