Glenice Whitting has Been Found! Much Loved Local Author Presents Brand New Release: "Something Missing" - 11am, Saturday, 26th November 2016

Mentone Public Library Proudly Presents: "An Author for All Seasons: Series Six" with Local Author: Glenice Whitting Presenting her Brand New Release: Something Missing Something Missing is about Diane, a naive young married woman who knows that there must be more to life than hairdressing and mothering and needs to discover what it is. When she meets in outback Australia, an older, ‘educated’ American she is attracted by Maggie’s self confidence and broad literary and general knowledge. Diane instigates a pen-pal relationship in the desire to absorb wisdom from Maggie and her knowledge of the world. Something Missing is a story about growing up, growing old, of love, lies and reconciliation. Mentone Public Library is privileged to be one of the first institutions to see the anticipated new title from Glenice...