A Canny Knight in the Ali-way: Alison Knight Captivates - Saturday, 31 August 2019

Reflection by Paul Karp Visit Paul Karp's Poetry Website at: https://kapow2016.wordpress.com/ Alison's presentation began with a brief description of life growing up in 1960's Manchester. She later wove some of these experiences into her novels. Her own writing history began with a short story her mother kept for her; a version of Cinderella with a jelly and trifle food fight. While her English classes at primary school lacked creativity, she wrote a book called 'The Dinner Time Kids' . Drama class opened her eyes. Drama classes opened her eyes. Her first playwriting venture was inspired by ' Arsenic and Old Lace '. After her undergraduate degree at Birmingham University, she went to Manchester university where she read everything by and about the author Henry James for her Master of Arts research thesis. She taught at high school before migrating to Melbourne with her Australian ...