Zoom Review: The Grand Finale Celebrates the Grand Beginning - 11am, Saturday, 12 December 2020

A Zoom Review: Mentone Public Library's Grand Finale Celebrating the Grand Beginning: Reunion with the Local Authors of "An Author for All Seasons: Series One" REVIEW PART ONE: by Nathaniel Davies https://www.facebook.com/daviesnathanielj Mentone Public Library celebrated its 95th year through local author talks, hosted on Zoom by Julia Reichstein in 2020. The 12 th of December was the finale of “An Online Anniversary Celebration for All Seasons”. This session regathered authors who presented at the inaugural local author talk series which launched in 2011 - Shirley Randles , George Ivanoff , Elsie Johnstone and Graeme Johnstone . Graeme & Elsie at their debut appearance for the first ever series of "An Author for All Seasons" on Saturday, 10 December 2011 There were also performances by musician Mark McGurgan throughout. ...