Mentone Public Library Proudly Zooms for its Grand Finale with George Ivanoff Presenting: "The Supernatural Survival Guide" - 11am, Saturday, 11 December 2021

Mentone Public Library's An Author for All Seasons: Series Eleven Proudly Presents on The Grand Finale with George Ivanoff Presenting... From Beyond The North Pole & Solar System... Pre-Order Copies Ahead of Zoom Event Scheduled for: 11am, Saturday, 11 December 2021 from Beaumaris Books by clicking on the image below: EVENT ADMISSION DETAILS Entry: $5 Payment Options: Ask a Librarian: Set up an Appointment time to pay by cash: (Option Available until end Wednesday, 8 December 2021) Electronic or In-Branch Banking Please state : event name & your name in transfer description to help us identify your payment: Example: SupernaturalZoom-IVANOFFGeorge BOOKINGS: (Essential) ENQUIRIES: Phone : (03) 9005 6300* * Don't let the British Skype...