George Ivanoff shows what the writing game is all about

George Ivanoff shows what the writing game is all about George Ivanoff describes himself as a “jobbing author”, that is, an author who makes his living from his writing. He refuses to self-publish, as he considers that too hit and miss. His writing is his income and he has a family to feed, clothe and educate. Much time is spent pitching to publishers and copyright and licencing holders, dreaming up an idea, writing a treatment, submitting it and keeping fingers crossed that it flies. It is still a good part of his productive time. Many are rejected, some get through. It takes hard graft. It takes patience. It takes tenacity. It takes talent and it takes an eye for a good story. In the early days, all his work was obtained this way but now, as a well-respected author with over 130 books under his belt, he has an excellent working relationship with Penguin and other publishing houses. They now come to him. He has also built up a successful series of networks with licencing firms an...