Katie McMahon in An Author for All Seasons. Interviewed by Graeme Johnstone on Saturday 16 September at 11am. includes link to video footage.

Katie McMahon in An Author for All Seasons. Interviewed by Graeme Johnstone Graeme Johnstone and Katie McMahon entertained us in a light-hearted conversation, covering Katie’s life journey as a writer from young days growing up in Frankston to her decision in India to go back to high school and train to become a doctor, touching on her current work in training doctors in communication, and her two psychological thriller novels. Graeme and Katie shared some of their favourite lines from the books, all the while showing the light-hearted sense of humour that makers for an enjoyable read. It was an inspirational event. We sold more tickets than we had seats at the library this time, so we held it at the Mentone Activity Hub. It’s a great venue with a view of the park and only a short walk from our library. Keep an eye out for another An Author for All Seasons event and our Annual General Meeting, both hopefully in November. Our next Open Mic event will be on 22 nd ...