Out of the Woods and Into Mentone Public Library: Guest Author Dr. Patricia Bowmer [Saturday, 23rd March 2013: "An Author for All Seasons - Series Three"]

Seventeen privileged audience members agreed in unison; the launch of Mentone Public Library's third series of "An Author for All Seasons" was done in fine form with the appearance of our first guest author for the year; Dr. Patricia Bowmer . Inspiring, poised, earnest, warm and personable, Patricia invited us to take an adventure-filled walk with her through her life as Corporate Warrior, fitness instructor, intrepid traveller, mother, athlete, psychologist, life coach and finally, as author. And we were only too happy to travel that path with her. Patricia defined herself perfectly upon explaining that she has no single prescribed role, but rather many different titles to serve her one single mission in life; to help and inspire others to realise who they are and reach their full potential despite the obstacles that threaten to deter and dissuade them. Introducing us to her first work, Patricia's book In Pursuit of Joy: Life Lessons...