MENTONE PUBLIC LIBRARY TRIBUTE: In Loving Memory of Tony (Anthony) John Brooker: Monday, 21 November 1949 - Thursday, 20 February 2020

It is with an anguished heart that we inform you of the recent passing of our much loved and treasured friend Tony Brooker Tony's dedication to serving the community and those dearest to his heart, was matched only by his love for music. In addition to the many hats he wore at Mentone Public Library (president, treasurer, co-secretary, acquisitions officer), Tony was a talented and passionate musician; often spotted playing the drums, guitar or ukulele for his local churches and the Longbeach Ukes. Tony's community work didn't cease there though. In his youth he was a lifeguard for the Parkdale Life Saving Club. By the early 2000's, he also volunteered up to two days a week at Salvation Army's Mordialloc Opportunity Shop, ...