Mentone Public Library 'Open Mic' on 25 June 2022

Now, ‘Open Mic’ is truly what it says By Graeme Johnstone. Our first session of Open Mic, held in May, was missing only one aspect. A microphone! Images from Nathaniel Davies' collection But now we do have a mic. (not shown) And a speaker. Plus a lectern. Which makes us very professional and gives everyone the option to add texture and volume to their presentation. And at our June presentation, Lindsay Bamfield once again showed her wonderful skills at creating the engaging short story with the surprise ending, while Jan Lawrence outlined her interest in the various styles of set-piece poetry, such as sonnets and Japanese haiku. She displayed her grasp of the approach with a delightful work that included the beautiful description of two birds that suddenly appeared in the narrative. Gabrielle Grieg poetically outlined the heroics of her late partner, running parallel with his love of all things equine, as he battled terminal cancer. Later she read a work in progress, the text for...