The Old Girl Celebrates 97 Years

An Author for All Seasons Series 12, 14th May 2022

The Old Girl Celebrates 97 Years

After the long, dark winter of COVID, the Mentone Public Library emerged dressed in her brand new spring gown, all spruced up and ready to roll.  She is looking great, exactly as envisioned,  a pleasant and calming place for writers and readers to meet.
Fifteen members and friends gathered to celebrate the old girl’s 97th birthday in our new meeting place.  We did so by launching an inaugural session of Open Mic.

Some participants laughing at one of the short stories. 

Digital artwork by Nathaniel Davies

Not everybody brought a piece of writing to share, some just brought themselves.  With a little gentle prompting from the president, everybody introduced themselves to the group. We welcomed newbies Denise Meurs, Lindsay Bamfield, Toni Keegan and Lesley Cheatham.

The bottle was spun to determine who was to be the brave beginner and that lucky break fell to Denise Shine, local author of two novels, ‘The Undertaker’s Mother’ and ‘Jerimiah’s Trunk.’ 

We were privileged to have another local author Lyn Duclos, whose novel,  “Beneath My Skin” was released earlier this year.  She gifted us a poignant tale inspired by the death of her father. Other local authors included Judy Sullivan, Graeme Johnstone and Elsie Johnstone

Stories and poems flowed, some sad. others philosophical and some just very funny.   The time flew.  Everyone was having such a happy enjoyable time that most were reluctant to leave and so the session lasted well into the second hour.

It was agreed that the very first session in our new writers centre had been such a success that we resolved to do it again, once a month henceforth.

The next ‘Open Mic’ will be held in the Mentone Public Library on Saturday, June 25th at 11:00 am.

Bring a poem, a song, a short story or piece of prose that you have written or that you admire. 

In order that everybody has their chance to shine a time limit of 5 minutes per person applies.

For those who can’t do it without coffee, we don’t have coffee making facilities but we recommend that you grab a take away from the Lolly Jar just up the road.

Cost $5 cash to cover costs or pre pay.

For more information and bookings email us at

Blog post by Elsie Johnstone (Pictured) 

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Email: with your first and last name plus the email address you wish to receive it on and include the text "Please subscribe me to Mentone Public Library's mailing list" we'll add you to our list.

We hope to see you in our newly renovated library some day!

Would you like to become a member/subscriber of Mentone Public Library?

A subscription based library, and writers centre, Mentone Public Library membership is currently only $10 per year, lasting from now to end of June 2023.  Come in and check us out. We are open Mondays to Fridays from 10am-12 noon. Members can borrow a book,at a great price and/or come write in a quiet environment surrounded by books. The library hopes to add more services over the coming year and is looking for volunteers.

Email: or come on by.

We are at 36 Florence Street, Mentone, Victoria, Australia by the Coles Carpark at the Rear of the Community Assistance and Information Bureau.

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