Kerryn Mayne, author of “Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder returns to Mentone Public Library on 7 September. Hear all about her new book, “Joy Moody Is Out Of Time.”

Kerryn Mayne, author of “Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder returns to Mentone Public Library on 7 September. Hear all about her new book, “Joy Moody Is Out Of Time.”

Book now!

WHEN: Saturday, September 7, 11 am.

WHERE: Mentone Public Library.

ENTRY: $5.


OR by Bank Transfer to BSB 013 352, Acct no 009777676, Reference ‘Kerryn Mayne.’

OR by Cash or Credit on the day. 

36 Florence Street, Mentone, Victoria, 3194.

See Ethan’s PDF flyer below.


Best wishes,

Nathaniel Davies.


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