A Downpour of Hope and Love Descends Upon Nellie's Vow - Author Leonie Binge Reflects on her Presentation at Mentone Public Library - 11am, Saturday, 26th April 2014
The morning was quite a miserable one – very cold and wet – and I was immediately disappointed, thinking no one would come to hear me speak about Nellie’s Vow, my family memoir. But I was pleasantly surprised as, little by little, the room began to fill with avid readers and writers. By 11am I had a lovely sized audience.
Not normally a public speaker, I was somewhat nervous to begin with but as I gazed around the room and was met with a completely rapt and interested audience my nerves began to disappear and although I had prepared some notes to read from, I largely spoke off the cuff.
On the past two occasions when I spoke about my book, I shed a few tears but luckily for this audience, they were spared. I must be becoming more accustomed to discussing my family’s story using less emotion.
Afterwards, I was warmed by the response of many who expressed thorough enjoyment at hearing me speak. It appears I moved many of them, and judging from their comments, many have similar stories to relate. I hope one day these, too, may be written down and turned into other family memoirs for all to share.
Thank you to Julia, Sue, Carol and Tony for being so warm and welcoming and for inviting me to speak and thanks to the lovely audience so willing to listen to my tale. I enjoyed the whole experience immensely.
- Leonie Binge, Sunday, 27th April 2014.

On behalf of the Mentone Public Library volunteer staff and its patronage, we thank Leonie Binge for delivering such a brave, honest and moving presentation,
with an equally powerful narrative and subject matter.
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