Pen-icillin Prescribed for the Soul: Reflecting on a Healing Session with Dr. Leah Kaminsky: 11am, Saturday, 30th August 2014
Reflecting on a Healing Session with Dr. Leah Kaminsky
Speaking Date: 11am, Saturday, 30th August 2014
A gentle pinch of humanity and a healthy dose of eye contact were the doctor's orders as a keen, intimate group of attendees filed into our library and benefited from the nurturing presence of Dr. Leah Kaminsky:
* medical general practitioner
* mother,
* author
* engaging performer
* and immensely compassionate human being.
Author of Stitching Things Together and editor for The Pen and the Stethoscope as well as the Australian version of Creative Non Fiction Magazine, in a 90 minute enthralling consultation, Leah discussed her passage into the world of medical practice and how writing helped her to re-connect with her core and in turn reconnect with her patients.

A humble speaker reluctant to acknowledge or take credit for her contribution towards the community's better health and wellbeing, Leah's achievements could very well have been cast into obscurity by her very humility if not for two vital antecdotes:
* The overwhelming evidence documenting
Leah's efforts through her writings, local media coverage
and peer-produced publications
* The most significant witness of all...her patients.
it was pure joy to to see Leah re-create her
most memorable consultations and patients
with such affection, animation and loving humour.
Leah made the prognosis for good
community health abundantly clear:
good medicine starts with the heart,
not with the head.
To learn more about Leah Kaminsky and Leah's works,
I recommend you visit Leah's website:
Mentone Public Library sincerely thanks you, Leah,
for showing our patrons the healing power of the earnest word.
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