Dusting Off the Shelves...A History of Mentone Public Library by Dr Graham Whitehead (City of Kingston Historian)


As new families have moved into Mentone over the last few decades, it has now become an oft-cried remark from visitors who happen upon our library, "I had no idea your library existed!"

While it can be argued we are a humble fixture, we are by no means a new kid on the block.  Mentone Public Library formed in 1925 well before the conception and now vibrant City of Kingston Library and Information Service. 

The City of Kingston has published the following online article chronicling Mentone Public Library over the years, as we embark upon our 90th anniversary as an independent community organisation completely staffed by volunteers. 

Please click on the link below to read the article:

Mentone Public Library will celebrate its 90th anniversary at 11am on Saturday, 30th May 2015.

NB For all bookings and event enquiries, 
please email:
Gold coin entry to all events.


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