Count Down to the 90th Anniversary Celebrations...

It may be cold outside, but things are heating up in here at the Mentone Public Library.


As you all know, a love of books and reading is what drives our volunteers and we wouldn't be here without them.  But lately we've all been preoccupied with a little get together we've been organising - namely the:

Mentone Public Library 90th Anniversary Celebrations
Saturday 30th May
11 am - 2 pm
36 Florence Street
(Rear of Mentone CBA)
Mentone Vic 3194
Okay, shameless plug, I know - but it's just so exciting! 

We've been buying balloons, ordering the cake, and making sure the library is in tip top shape for our party.

One of the things we've been doing to get the library ready is compiling a collection of archival materials that we can put on display.

It's been fascinating going through all the old log books, insurance forms, and book lists.  Seeing how everything was beautifully written (the art of handwriting is definitely dying) and the book work meticulously kept.
At the risk of sounding overly sentimental, you can really feel the passion with which the past volunteers conducted their roles through these documents.
We hope to have a nice display of items for you all to look at when you come to our 90th Anniversary Celebration.  Alternatively, you could just pop in any time during our opening hours in the week before the party.  The display should be up and running by then.
Clock donated to the library in 1927

Until then... Happy reading :-)
Mentone Public Library


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