Author Mick Both Reflective Entry - A Dad Who Cooks with his Heart to Savour the Most Essential Ingredient of Them All; Quality Time with his Kids - 11am, Saturday, 29th August 2015

Every person has a story.  My story starts as a military pilot that found himself with many skills – but not being able to cook meals for three young children.  I was more fearful of cutting an onion than flying a jet at low level at over 500kms per hour.  I didn’t want to do take-away or drive-thru and wanted them to have the dinner table experience that I had when I was a child. 

The dinner table is the place where time is shared without screens or distractions – the highs and lows – what was learned and what could be improved.  Most importantly, what was funny and how we all feel.  This is the dinner table that I invented for my children by going through the process of creating a cook book for kids – by Dads.
 During the presentation, we discussed the process of collecting recipes from Mums and Dads all around the country, how these recipes were tested by children, the preparation of food, the storage of food, the essential equipment within the kitchen and interestingly the food of previous generations that quite frankly I am not sure that my children would enjoy.  We talked about growing herbs and even sourcing fresh produce versus taking shortcuts like frozen vegetables.  However, we as a group agreed that as long as we can get those “sneaky veggies” into our children (*or grandchildren) then we deserve top marks. 
A library patron stands astonished at author Mick Both's impressive cleaning routine - so efficient at the task,
he too disappears before our very eyes!
We even discussed my new book in progress “Cleaning for Kids – by Dads” – the shortcuts for laundry and essential cleaning tips for any household with the aim again to maximise the time spent with our children.

Author Mick Both Points Out his Children to Emphasise the Driving Force Behind his Conviction
to Better Himself in the Kitchen

Unfortunately, my story is very common place these days.  There are many sole parents trying to do the best by their children and they need help in order to do so.  I needed help, sought it and have reaped the benefits – and so have my children.  Thanks to Julia and Tony I was able to share my story – of a military man that was prepared for all things but providing food for his children. 
This is no longer my story, I am a happy Father, with all the basic home skills and working hard to build three beautiful children into three capable adults.
Dear Mick,
Your passion and dedication to bringing out the best in your kids and yourself through the act of cooking resonated with us all. You truly defined the expression of soul food.
Thank-you for showing us why rawness equates to true goodness.
'Rawness' in this instance includes and extends beyond fresh produce - it additionally encompasses the act of talking honestly, openly and  drilling down to  the very core. Your realisation of what was required  of you to become the best father you could be to your children, punctuated by your drive to surpassing difficult circumstances, with support, self-belief, hard work and discipline, you took your new slate and indeed made it a fresh, healthy start.
We at Mentone Public Library commend you on your commitment
- to being the best father and person you can be,
- to being the truest person, proudest parent and best provider you can be...
- for treating a time of adversity into a learning opportunity and seed of phenomenal growth  and family strengthening
- for ensuring the economization of time is not at the expense of your children but at their enhancement.
To new beginnings and almighty fresh platters, we congratulate you, Mick.
May the sky indeed be your limit.
We hope to have you back for our Author Appreciation Ceremony on Saturday, 12th December 2015.
Sincerely: The Mentone Public Library Team.
To Purchase Copies and Learn More about "Cooking for Kids by Dads" and Mick's Kitchen,
Please Visit:
Mick's  book is also available through his publisher's website; Cindy Rochstein Publishing


Press Release
Contact: Cindy Rochstein                                                     Ocean Reeve
    M: 0437 094 049                                                     M: 0415 438 534       
(August 31st 2015 – For IMMEDIATE RELEASE)
Ocean Reeve, award winning author and publisher (who has worked with William Shatner and many other big names), kicks off his ‘Spring-Speaking-Tour’ in Melbourne in eight separate locations.

Some of the key areas within his presentation include;
·        Why we publish?
·        The independent publishing process
·        Crowdfunding
·        Book marketing and promotion
·        Integrity in the Industry


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