Graceful Steps: Liliane Grace Shows That Starting Over Need Not Burn But Rather Strengthen Bridges - 11am, Saturday, 26 May 2018

Our eighth series of 
Our Eighth series proves 
a beautiful new beginning

Liliane Grace 

Liliane launches our series and enchants our audience on Saturday, 26 May 2018

Reflection by: Paul Karp

Following a welcome surprise appearance by Cr Ron Brownlees, who kindly offered to share a few warm words about the richness of our local literary and volunteer culture within the City of Kingston, our anticipated eighth series was at last underway!
Cr Ron Brownlees of the City of Kingston Central Ward welcomes our first author for the year to "An Author for All Seasons"

Liliane Grace gave a vivacious and zesty presentation about four of her books and the stories behind them.
Liliane described her 2017 novel 'WANTED GREENER GRASS' as being about 'love, envy and a crazy kind of courage'. Liliane added that 'envy' isn't necessarily bad - it's the desire to improve our lives.
In the novel, Mia is envious of Sheryl, who has a baby and a husband with a successful business. Mia's husband John visits his dying father and discovers his father always wanted to become an artist. This inspired John to reinvent himself. Mia wanted to leave John, but she became intrigued with his willingness to change.
Her novel illustrated Liliane's philosophy 
'Everything in the universe is in the process of growing from a tiny seed to fulfilling its potential.
In a remarkable example of how 'life imitates art', Lilian faced the same dilemma as Mia, soon after the novel's publication.

Liliane and her long term partner celebrated their 29th anniversary together. A week later she met her new man by chance at a Ballroom and Latin dance class held on a day and time neither normally attended. 
They married within 14 months.
Eager questioning from our highly engaged audience ensured that Liliane filled in the obvious gaps in this story.

The new man was a former elite competitive dancer who returned after a 25 year hiatus. The voice in Lilian's head 'You could have a life with this man' sounded often during his persistent courtship. Other men had previously courted her, but this man was so right for her in many ways. After six weeks Liliane realised like Mia in her novel she 'had to take more responsibility for her life'.
Echoing in her head was the persistent voice: "You could have a life with this man"

Mindful of the importance of open communication with her partner, ‘no secrets, no lies', Liliane never kept the new man a secret from her partner.
Liliane still loves her ex and they remain close, despite him moving interstate. He remains her business partner and manages her website.
'Love isn't enough' was Liliane's credo. They wanted different things. Liliane yearned for travel and new experiences. Before leaving her ex, Liliane saw three counsellors and an astrologer. She took an intuitive leap of faith and trusted herself to take a step into the unknown with a man she hadn't even kissed.
Liliane was determined to look after her relationships, particularly with her children. Her son observed that she and his father had always been mismatched. All three children were in the bridal party.
Listening with pride to Liliane's resolve to look after all her relationships in a time of great transition are from left to right: Liliane's mother, Liliane's sister Yvette Bentata-Moore and Liliane's other sister Anita Bentata

Influenced by world renowned Mythologist, Joseph Campbell, Liliane embraced the view that life's journey is a hero's journey, a growth journey. We are supported by allies and mentors, and challenged by enemies. We have a call to adventure. We can conquer the challenge or be conquered by it.

Liliane spoke on first novel 'THE MASTERY CLUB', self-published in 2006 in which 'five adolescents support each other to achieve their goals, whether it's buying a mountain-bike or getting better at Maths. Their heroes’ journey involved dealing with bullies and disapproving parents.'

The 2012 sequel to The Mastery Club was 'THE HIDDEN ORDER', which goes deeply into goal setting in the world today where terrorism and school shootings are both common events. The novel's premise is 'while the world looks unfair and cruel there is a hidden order at work. When you see the principles, you see the order, solid and real as the law of gravity.'
To help children address bullying, Liliane suggested 'Let's bully on purpose in schools', and 'Communication needs to be a school subject'

QUEST FOR RICHES originated from an approach by Camilla Mendoza (business coach and life coach) to Liliane to write about teen financial literacy. Camilla believed that personality profiling styles and family patterns can be applied to attitudes toward money.

In Liliane's novel, four middle-class teenagers demonstrate four different personality styles.
Toni is a leader, entrepreneurial, high drive, bossy, she leaps in. Her parents are financially over-extended.
Eric is Asian, a methodical saver who thinks things through. He suffers paralysis by analysis and his wealthy parents are divorced.

 Brooke experiences FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). She's a social butterfly who lives beyond her means. Her parents are separated, she has a Disneyland Dad who she rarely sees, but who spoils her.

Liliane brings Brooke's larger-than-life personality to form in a very entertaining rendition
Jackson comes from a hard working family. He's a supporter, needs more confidence, is a doormat, and does odd jobs to make money. His father's business has problems.

They embark on a school excursion through the golden triangle of India - Delhi, Rajasthan, and Mumbai.
Liliane concluded her excellent presentation with brief readings of the four different personality styles of her characters.

 If you wish to learn more about Liliane, don't be shy - raise your hand.

Simply follow her link:
She is a delight both in print and in person.

Liliane, thank-you for launching our eighth series in such a spirited, sincere and motivational fashion.


  1. It was a pleasure! Thank you for having me, and for this very enthusiastic report.


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