Mentone Public Library 95th Birthday Celebration: Launching 95 Stories: 95 Reasons to Hope & be Inspired

Mentone Public Library
 95th Birthday Celebration
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
95 Stories
 95 Wishes
 95 Hopes
95 Dreams 
95 Gifts 
95 Silver Linings
Enriching us All

Literary Gifts Received Thus Far!

3)  Sandra Stirling

4)  Cherry Tran

5) Cherry Tran
Paul Karp, as Detective Happy for Mentone Public Library's Interactive Miss Marple Murder Mystery: "The Body in the Library" - 2018

10)  Julia Reichstein

Julia Reichstein as Dee Scruntled, the disgruntled librarian, with her "cat" Bookmark. Mentone Public Library's interactive Miss Marple Murder Mystery: "The Body in the Library" - 2018


(c) Julia Reichstein 2020

Mentone Public Library's Cast of Characters Enjoy a Laugh with the Audience - Miss Marple Murder Mystery: "The Body in the Library" - 2018

The Cheeky Side of 13)   

 14)  Roza 

15)  Jan (Library Patron)

What Does One Say to a Grand Old Lady?
(c) Judy Sullivan 2020

Maggie Morrison, second from left with community theatre group "Legends of the Skies", shares an excerpt of her COVID-19 Cruise ordeal

28) Lizzie Boucher

29) Leanne Cutler

30) Rose Little

31) Rose Little

32) Maureen Steinfort
Maureen Steinfort - Christmas 2019

33) Maureen Steinfort

34) __________________

Dear Mentone Public Library 
Patrons, VIPs, Local Authors & Friends,
We are inviting you to help us celebrate 
Mentone Public Library's 
95th Anniversary 
this month, 
by helping us convert our blog 
into a library of presents 
that we can share with the globe 
to inspire & bring 
another stream of connection 
for all who visit our site.
In lieu of presents, cakes, balloons, 
party hats & large physical gatherings,
we aspire towards collecting at least 
95 literary gifts 
comprised of inspiring stories,
positive wishes & reflections, 
hopes, dreams & messages of gratitude.

Though we are facing a time of great challenge
during this pandemic, 
living with uncertainty, isolation, 
& for some; unspeakable loss,
we have also achieved.
We have seen innovations in 
communication & connection, 
heard uplifting tales against seemingly 
insurmountable odds 
& been the pioneers & instigators of
incredible originality & creativity.

Starting from  
Wednesday, 6 May 2020;
Mentone Public Library's 
official 95th birthday,
we ask you to make a 
creative & positive literary deposit
that we can post to our blog.

Again, the goal is to acquire at least 
95 literary gifts  
fromthe month of May.
Types of Literary Gifts We Welcome for Our Blog:

* Happy Birthday Messages to 
Mentone Public Library: 
let us know what the library means to you / 
tell us a special memory you have of the library 

* Share an original piece of prose & poetry 
you have written that is 
positive, funny, uplifting &/or hopeful.

* Tell us what you are grateful for 
& the silver linings you have unveiled 
during this pandemic.

The late, great Tony Brooker as Miss Marple - 2018...We love & miss you, Champ.

* Give a shout-out to someone who inspires you.
Let them know they are appreciated 
& let the world know why.

Word limit per contribution: 
200 Words

Please email your 
contribution/s to 
In the subject heading, please write: 
95th Anniversary Blog Post Offering.
You remain the copyright holder 
of your contribution.
Please advise how you wish 
to be credited on our blog 
or if you prefer to be anonymous
for your contribution to be posted.

We can't wait to receive 
your literary riches of 
hope, strength & newfound wisdom.

 Though our library doors 
cannot presently be open,
our hearts to you are never closed.


Please stay safe, healthy,
happy & hopeful,

The Mentone Public Library Team.


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