CELEBRATORY REFLECTION: Mentone Public Library 96th Birthday Literary Gathering - 11am, Saturday, 15 May 2021

Celebration Review:

96th Birthday

Literary Gathering






Nathaniel Davies


Nathaniel Reflects

as a Presenting Writer...

As one of 12 writers performing their own work 

for the library’s 96th birthday celebration, 

and an unpublished one at that, 

I was excited to be at the event 

with so many great authors.


During the opening of the event, 

local councillor 

Cr Chris Hill 

of Kingston's Como Ward

provided examples of famous writers 

from last century who published works 

in the founding year of the

Mentone Public Library (1925).

They were some of the biggest names 

in 1925 literature

For me this added to the excitement 

of the 96th birthday gathering. 

It seemed special 

to think of past library users 

reading first editions of these authors’ 

popular works during 

the library’s early years.

I was also star struck 

by the large number 

of fantastic authors 

that were congregating 

to participate or listen 

in the one place at the

Mentone Activity Hub.


Like F. Scott Fitzgerald, 

Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce 

and Virginia Woolf, 

 the writers sharing at our event 

had published works 

that were being read by 

users of this library.


My excitement at the opportunity 
to share some of my own work 
was making me nervous, 
yet when it was my turn 
to take the microphone, 

I was able to deliver my three poems 

fairly well,

with only a few accidental alterations

from the page in one case.

I had several encouraging comments 

following the event 

from authors in the audience, 

including one who suggested I try 

and have one of the poems published.

 This was a great encouragement.

It was also fantastic to hear 
so many other authors 
share their work.

In almost one hundred years 

the library has become 

an important hub 

for writers and friends 

of literature.

On the day, 

George Ivanoff said

(I paraphrase) 

that the library had been 

‘so supportive’ to him over the years

and like an ‘unofficial writers' centre’.


After being introduced fabulously 

following a flamboyant 

happy birthday song and speech by

a Ms “Marilyn Monorail”...

We heard library president

Graeme Johnstone

talk of ideas of how best

to take the library towards its centenary.



He spoke of concentrating 
the library’s focus and collection 
exclusively towards 
promoting and supporting 
local authors.

The existing author talks 

and writing group initiatives 

are the catalyst for this vision.

 We wait expectantly to hear 

if other programs will be 

coming along in the future.

Graeme stated 

that the library

is open 

to suggestions.

Volunteers anyone?



Philippa Reflects

as a 

Facilitator & Audience Member

Maggie Morrison 

leads the birthday congregation in song 

with customised, original lyrics of her own devising.

Happy 96th birthday 

Mentone Public Library! 

What an achievement.  

It was unfortunate 

that Covid got in the way of 

celebrating the library’s 

95th birthday last year, 

but we didn’t let that happen 

for its 96th birthday this year.


While following all Covid-safe regulations 

at an alternative venue 

Kingston City Council 

kindly offered to us for our events...

we had a delightful celebration 

full of happiness with some of the 

library’s favourite local authors and guests 

from over the past 10 years; 

some of whom we hadn’t seen for a while.


I was lucky to not only be 

an audience member for this unique event, 

but also a volunteer. 

I had the privilege of personally meeting 

each of the valued authors 

as they came through the door 

at the beginning. 

All of them were familiar to me 

as I have been to most of the author talks, 

but some I had never met face-to-face.


The chairs in the room 

were set up in a circle, 

which made us all feel 

connected to each other and 

part of a cohesive group. 

There were several authors and guests 

who delighted us with their written pieces. 

They were all different - 

some had written prose, others poetry, 

some pieces were brand new, others a bit older 

- but regardless of the content matter, 

all were equally captivating.

It made me happy to see 

everybody in the group enjoying themselves, 

engaging with the authors 

and supporting each other. 

One thing Julia said to me that day 

was along the lines of 

“Everybody in this group just wants 

to see everybody else succeed 

at their passion”, 

and this was certainly on display.

We topped off the event with 

an all-in singing of 

‘Happy Birthday, 

under the guidance of character 

Marilyn Monorail. 

It was truly a wonderful event 

and a fitting way to celebrate 

such an impressive milestone.

Honorable Mentions...

Thank-you to Cherry Tran 

for her impromptu filming 

of proceedings.

Thank-you to both



Justine Gorny

for putting the finishing touches 

to our decorations 

with your impressive

ribbon-wrapping skills

for our birthday book gifts 

on offer to attendees.


Thank-you to you:



Local Authors & Writers 

who took part & gifted 

Mentone Public Library 

with your original literary gems...


SHINE, Denise Tobin

Geri Presented:
Poetic License Trilogy"
Graeme Presented:
"The President Presents..."
Denise Presented: "Outback Rescue" : From Sandy Beach Centre Writing Class Anthology of Short Stories and Poems - 2012"
DAVIES, Nathaniel
McGURGAN, Lesley

Nathaniel Presented:
"The Hunt" ; "It is Difficult to See with Your Eyes Closed" ; "Ice Coffee Love"
Lesley Presented:
"Forward Toward 2025"
Michael Presented:
"Mentone Public Library: A Unique Rhythm"

George Presented:        
"The Last Monk"
Maggie Presented:
"The Role of Books"
Cheryl Presented:
"Positive Nature of 'In the Name of Theatre' "

NEIL, Mairi
Elsie Presented: "This Bloody Virus" ; "ANZAC Day in Lockdown" ; "Time to End this Isolation" ; "Groundhog Day"... From latest poetry anthology: "CATHOLIC GIRL" -            To be showcased with Mentone Public Library 11am, Saturday, 21 August 2021
Mairi Presented:
"Poetic Ponderings"
Natalie Presented: "My Poetic Story"


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