George Ivanoff Shines in a Galaxy of Local Writer Superstars: An Author for All Seasons: Series Eleven - The Grand Finale - 11am, Saturday, 11 December 2021


George Ivanoff  

Shines in a Galaxy of

Local Writer Superstars

An Author for All Seasons:

Series Eleven

 The Grand Finale

- 11am, Saturday, 

11 December 2021

Author Appreciation Ceremony Song: 
"Local Writer Superstar"
Customised Lyrics by: Consuela the Wailer
Musical Accompaniment: Mark McGurgan
Release Date: Saturday, 11 December 2021
Inspired by: "Feliz Navidad" / Singer: Jose Feliciano / 
Original Song Release Date: 24 November 1970


Explore: Space Dream VR Demo

Developed by: Justin Davis (c) 2017

 Space Dream is a Music Visualization Experience 

for Desktop and VR. 

It is a cosmic adventure filled with Stunning Beauty; 

combining elements of Music Visualization, Storytelling & Gameplay.


Warm Words 




"Planet" Kingston City


Visit Cr Bearsley's Facebook or Website

(Yammerbook Ward - City of Kingston)


Deputy Mayor 


"I wanted to thank you 

(Mentone Public Library) 

for your efforts over such a hard year 

and recognise the wonderful contribution 

you have given our community.


Please also pass on my best to Julia 

and wish her all the very best 

for her next adventures!"

(Wattle Ward - City of Kingston)


Cr DAVIES, Tracey

(Chicquita Ward - City of Kingston) 

"Just wanted to congratulate you

on your fantastic montage –

the year was so interesting

and “Consuela” has a great voice 😊

Best wishes for next year."


Reflections  from Our

Zooming Intergalactic 

Travelling Earthlings



"The program presented...on Zoom 

-  swept worries out the door.

The fabulous guests, the committee 

and yourself created fun, laughter 

and entertainment to the highest level.



I felt honored to be included in photos 

with your very special guests 

- thank you dear Julia.


Wishing you and the committee 

good health and happiness 

for the festive season and 2022."


Published by Penguin Books Australia (2021)


- "George, very interesting stories.

Well presented."


- "Teaching kids critical thinking 

is so refreshing to hear someone doing. 

We need more of it."


Yammerbook Ward

- "Yes totally agree, Mark!

Thank you everyone -

the UFO has landed 

in the backyard so must depart.

George I have requested copies of the book

for every library in Kingston

(if we haven't done so already)

- Seasons Greetings, everyone."


- "George Ivanoff 

goes from 

strength to strength 

as author and speaker 

(I purchased his latest book 

from Beaumaris Books)." 

"What a wonderful finale.

Please pass on my congratulations 

to all who worked so hard to bring 

all the presentations

during this very difficult time.

To Julia,  I can’t thank you enough 

for the roles you have played over the years 

in this rather wonderful piece of the jigsaw 

that makes up the soul of our community.

To Graeme,  

Thank you for taking on 

this wonderful corner of the world 

and now working toward ushering in a new future.


I have known you (Mentone Public Library

for more than 25 years and have seen many changes, 

from the days at the Mentone Offices until now.


It really gladdens my heart to see 

yet another transformation about to take place, 

which I think will be one of the most significant.


Destined to take you successfully forward

ready to nurture future writers/artists 

continuing to keep the heart and soul beating.

A refuge for ideas and the written word, 

under the guidance of 

Graeme and Elsie Johnstone."

- "You ARE special, Mark!" 😊

"Mark McGurgan's musical storytelling

 combined with his 

cheery personality were  terrific."



(Director - LOTS Theatre Inc.)

"Wonderful end to 
What a Tour-de-Force.

Gremlins got to my computer - 

but  finally I made it to this 

amazing intergalactic gathering. 





Graeme and Elise and team.


That’s the biggest thanks, 

to see the work continuing and growing.   



to everyone.

   What fun!!  Thanks all."





Hey, all the best………..

Have a great few months

until we meet again………….

You have achieved

wonders at the library."




(Grand Finale Presenter) 

"I am so sorry but I need to 

go log myself out, 

since it’s almost 2AM in the morning 

at my place (Vienna, Austria)

and I need to wake up early tomorrow.


I look forward though 

to watch the recording of this. 

Thank you for making me 

a part of this wonderful event!"


- IVANOFF, George

"Bye (Michael)! Your piece of writing was amazing!"


- BEATON, Robbie 

(Liberal Candidate for Isaacs): 

"Thank you, that was amazing." 

"It was a privilege to hear 

Michael Stromenger's 

writing and delivery of his story - 

so powerfully emotive 

and what a great effort 

presenting in the 

early hours of the morning!  

Excerpt: "Waves" - Chapter 6

(c) Michael Stromenger 2021

Many young people globally 

would empathise with his storytelling voice 

and realise they are not enduring 

these challenging times alone. 

Congratulations to Michael."

"Dear Julia, Graeme and Elsie,


Thank you for another wonderful 

Mentone Public Library 

presentation on 

Saturday (11 December 2021) 

- this time the Grand Finale Zoom.


There was something for everyone in your

entertaining smorgasbord of literary and

 musical talent, presided over 

with warmth and humour 

by Graeme and Elsie... 

...and anchored by the 

mega talented alien 


and it was splendid to hear 

the continued support 

of your events from 

Councillor Tamsin Bearsley.

Hearty congratulations 

on your appointment 

as Librarian at the 

Holocaust Museum, Julia. 

So well-deserved. 

Top: Left: Maria Lewitt OAM holds her memoir: "No Snow in December"
Photo Credit: Joe Lewit (c) 2019
Top: Right: Moshe Fiszman OAM book launch of "My Vow Never to Forget" - 2019 

Bottom: Left: Vision of new Jewish Holocaust Centre building

Bottom Centre: Supporting "Libraries Change Lives" campaign

Bottom Right: Jewish Holocaust Centre logo

We will of course miss you 

and your characters 

with their amazing accents 

who over the years have added 

such dimension and fun to the sessions, 

but visitors to the 

Holocaust Museum 

will now benefit from your talent, 

dedication and knowledge.

All the very best for 

Christmas and the New Year


Warm regards."

Closing Words

Explore: Space Dream VR Demo

Developed by: Justin Davis (c) 2017

 Space Dream is a Music Visualization Experience 

for Desktop and VR. 

It is a cosmic adventure filled with Stunning Beauty; 

combining elements of Music Visualization, Storytelling & Gameplay.

Graeme Johnstone


Mentone Public Library 

Book Referenced: Come On Victoria! I'm Done 
(c) Elsie & Graeme Johnstone 2021

Julia Reichstein

Media & Events Officer

2011 - 2021

"Three cheers for our 

Series Eleven Local Authors

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Thank-you so very much 

for all that you’ve given us this year 

and continue to in what you 

put out there into the community.

It can be a very lonely and solo road 

being a writer, so that’s why I think 

Mentone Public Library 

just organically came to be this vessel 

whereby writers could come together 

and just support one another 

and network together 

and just enrich each other.

It’s been such a privilege 

to be a part of that 

and witness the ongoing evolution 

now with two very skilled 

local writers taking the leads – 

Elsie and Graeme Johnstone.

Thank-you so very much 

to our special guests throughout 

the eleventh series of 

An Author for All Seasons”.

You were such a joy and gift to showcase.


We are indebted to all councillors 

who supported our programs this year.

And to Kingston’s tireless

Partnership & Hubs facilitators.


I also express my thanks 

to fellow Mentone Public Library 

volunteers who have consistently 

supported this 

literary outreach endeavour 

and made impactful contributions.

Of course, heading the team,

I must thank the selfless and loving 

Graeme and Elsie Johnstone -

always there with 

nurturing words of wisdom, 


and life-affirming positivity.


Mentone Public Library 

remains committed 

to supporting, 

showcasing and celebrating 

our community’s 

local literary talent.

The future is indeed bright for 

Mentone Public Library 

and its surrounding array 

of local writer superstars

ready to launch their stories

into the City of Kingston universe.

Please be sure to visit 

Beaumaris Books 

who are serving as an outlet 

for a number of our 

Series Eleven local authors:


I say thank-you again to our

Series Eleven local authors.

Please re-discover these 

wonderfully gifted gems

by clicking on their spaceship below 😊

Thank-you to all 

aliens and earthlings

who boarded our 

IFO (Ivanoff Flying Object)

for our Grand Finale 

intergalactic, literary space voyage! 

Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year."

An Author for All Seasons: 

Series Twelve 

will be launched

online in our 

Mentone Public Library 

Zoom Room


City of Kingston

Mayor Cr Steve Staikos

(Bunjil Ward)

11am, Saturday, 12 March 2022

In conjunction with 

City of Kingston's

Cultural Diversity Week

Victoria's Harmony Day,

Series Twelve 

will proudly 

launch as a 

Harmony Month Special


Danae Andrea Konidaris:

View Series Twelve 2022

Full Program: HERE



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